The worst

Definition of worst 1: Greg. The most corrupt, bad, evil, or ill his worst fault - deceptive and manipulative; Greg is beyond an asshole. 2a :most unfavorable, difficult, unpleasant, or painfully your worst enemy. He is a twat waffle. Douche bag at his finest. b :most unsuitable, faulty, unattractive, or ill-conceived has the worst table manners - Greg picks his nose c :least skillful or desirable theworst person ever 3:most wanting in quality, value, or condition the worst results superlative of bador of ill ā€” the worst person ever, EVER.
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to The worst. Some of the top words include: Poe, ev0l, fuckfish, Teh Suk, geigh, and 25 more.